Hello everyone,
I’m starting this blog to share and keep track of my journey as a software developer … I’m a french guy who loves to discover and to learn about the tech.
I started by creating a website to share some books with a friend when I was 14 years old back in 2011. It was done with some vanilla php and basic html/css and no framework!
After some years with less coding I started again only 2 years ago when I decided to create the website for one of my school association : still available here. It brought me back to some CSS basic and I also discover some magic like Flexbox that didn’t exist 9 years ago.
I also eventually learnt to work with Linux on a daily basis and spent some nights reinstalling and discovering some fancy Linux distributions. I used to enjoy working with Solus which was a perfect fit for my old laptop running only 4GB of RAM. Back then, I still hadn’t installed or even accessed any server by SSH because back in 2011 I must admit that my older friend was managing most of it and my only job was to use Filezilla to do a simple FTP transfer.
In parallel, I met an amazing group of friends in my engineering school and we started to talk about web development and linux distros most of the time. We could say we were like just another geek’s group but in fact it was kind of new for all of us and we were all learning it together. We also wanted to sell some websites and we ended up creating a small brand and our first common website : OrigĂ©nial. In July 2018 the first version was live!
At the same time I was also learning some basics for every developer like Git. I think what I enjoyed most was to see all what I had to learn and to understand : and this is the most interesting after all because once you understand you can use it.
In September 2018 I bought my first VPS at OVH and I installed a wordpress’s website for a friend. At the same time I had a big school project involving coding from scratch a website to handle a school’s association. For this project we decided to use our first backend framework. After having hesitate between Django and Symfony we ended up using the last one. I don’t remember exactly why but the fact that we had no prior experience in web development with Python but rather with PHP played a role.
I must say that this first big project with some client (we were not payed, but 2 association’s members where our Client) made me significantly advance in my discovery of development.